Friday 28 October 2011


To regain control of your life we need to see how conditioned we are and have grown up... this I call fixed behavior :-)(patterns) either negative or positive...there are 3 ways to change negative conditioning: Reflection, Contemplation, Meditation!
Reflection: to stand back and take a look at yourself and your actions like an outsider, reconsidering actions of the past, and breaking it down and then deciding how to act next time.
Contemplation: this involves thinking or contemplating about one or a few things you want to change or that need a new outlook, contemplating  negative habits and using your God given intuition to find out what it is all about, and persisting until answers come, those answers will move your energy in a new direction.
Meditation: is a search for awareness that is NOT conditioned, it takes your restless and confused mind and leads it to clarity, by hooking into your intuition, and connecting with Spirit... when we meditate we move upstream going beyond the material; and beyond the mind of thoughts, to finally arrive at stillness, where everything is easy... meditation works best when done daily :-)