Monday, 21 July 2014

The most requested need: I Just want to be HAPPY?

I am astonished by how often i hear the phrase I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY... or will i ever be happy? will i ever find happiness? It is amazing how this want and need has become a major part in our lives... and let me start off by saying its actually an easy task to manage if you know how... the key is to know yourself!

I see happiness like a mood, not a place or necessarily a constant feeling, Happiness is a state of being, and sometimes one has to decide to be happy no matter what :-) Sometimes we have bad or good moods, and like any mood it can last a few moment or a few hours, this is how happiness works, this state of being can easily be changed either willingly or unwillingly. Just like a bad mood can last for hours and can be brought on by something externally, something internally as well as be taken away by our feelings, emotions, self talk or other people, circumstances and outside influences, so can happiness.

The more one can see happiness as a state, a mood that can be brought in or fabricated by either yourself or circumstances then you can take back power over your own happiness, emotions and well being. It is a common fact that when one is happy then health and abundance follows... its not so much what is happening around you, who you are in a relationship with or how much money one has, sure these factors do play a role in general happiness, however it is during these times that i feel one should work even harder at keeping the state of happiness alive... i feel people chase this state and feeling too much not knowing that it can be there for 1 minute or a few days, but that it is up to us to spur it on, give it energy, or deplete ourselves from it...

The more you stalk your mind, listen to your thoughts, self talk, and your emotions the more you will get to know where sabotage, self esteem issues and general negativity comes from YOURSELF! I feel taking responsibility for ones own happiness through keeping a balance, its not about making everyone happy or being there for everyone, its about being there for yourself, taking time out to really figure out what makes you smile... having alone time to think and contemplate, meeting up with friends, and having different energies around to uplift and energies the body and mind... routine and constant day in and day out comfort zone will also bore the inner child and happiness may be harder to regain.

Follow the simple rule...Take 20 minutes every day for yourself to get active, or meet up with people, or relax to calm the mind and body, spend time by yourself, and know what pushes your buttons and you over the edge. Know what makes you smile, what YOU need to be centered and in control, do not blame others and stop making excuses!

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