Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Facial Expressions

Do you know that the average human being has 7000 expressions... that's a lot... facial expressions are universally recognizable, that means without even saying a word you would be able to recognize sadness, happiness or anger from anyone in Asia, Europe, America or anywhere... this is amazing, but what it also says to me is that we need to be careful about how we portray these expressions, remembering that the world is our mirror...most of the time a facial expression happens in a millisecond, and an expression is directly linked to our emotions, so people can very easily read our emotions through our expressions, if this expression is a happy expression then its no problem, its when we portray an angry, or negative expression that we then attract that... the world and us as humans always filter back and forth what is fed to us, so we can influence each other by not even saying a word but just projecting it through our expression...this week see what you see in the people around you, do you see negative expressions everywhere or do you see positive expressions everywhere, and then turn it to yourself, is this what you are expressing... :-) something to think about...
This topic will be discussed more in detail in my radio show tomorrow, Wednesday 8 Feb from 10 am CAT, looping all day...listen by going to www.otherworldstomorrow.com

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