Its been a while since my last Blog, and with OWT RADIO's contract coming to an end i have had more time for preparing my workshops which i am hosting all over the county over the next few month :-) this is very exciting, and i find it so amazing how much potential and power people posses if they know how to access it :-)
What i have noticed on a personal and client basis is that things are speeding up...i gave a talk yesterday at The Jacaranda Spiritual Church in Pretoria, and even receiving feedback from people there that the universe is not waiting for us anymore... we are facing challenges and emotions on a daily basis that we have to deal with and work through... sometimes some are easier than others i am sure you all know what i mean...
However i am in awe at how many people are facing these challenges with their heads held high, although there was much pain and struggle with in yesterdays congregation they came and gathered to be uplifted to face another day, and thus just taking it a day at a time... this is the only way to live... it was heart warming to be surrounded by people with such open hearts and minds.
If you like so many of us at the moment feel like you can barely keep up, i wanted to write this blog today to urge you to just keep going, do every day something that makes you happy, and face those fears and emotions, as change is constantly happening, its energy, and i do believe we are rewarded on many occasions :-)
Affirmation for the week: I ATTRACT WHAT I VIBRATE!
Monday, 10 September 2012
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
The world is your mirror
Todays blog may be a recap of something i have said many times before but this is a really good basic to always follow when in any type of doubt... sometimes certain people in our life will connect or irritate each other, in both cases there is a connection, recognizing mirror... this means that you recognise something within yourself through that other person... its something that gets brought up for you to heal, let go of or work through. Sometimes it is also appropriate to say nothing to someone when confronted with a challenging situation until you have uncovered what it means to you or why it is bringing up certain emotion.. A very good indication where you are at is to look at your cupboards or office or environment, an uncomfortable or messy environment usually signifies a scattered mind... in my life i like to always do some self internal work before i say or take something too personal... i see people always as teachers, and although we are sometimes a bit too reactive we always have choice to act differently the next time... i live by the rule that i can only look to my self for change, no one can do that for you... and if you want something diffferent change your reactions and your patterns... and you can always only start with yourself... stop blaming or pointing a finger and to take responisbility for your own life is probably the bigggest present you can give yourself... so see everyone as a giift bringing you feedback whether positive or negative... :-) something to look at.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Connecting with YOUR angels
Connecting to your spiritual side is easy, many people have recently asked me how do they make more contact with their angels, or include it into their daily lives...
Well its very simple but we need to ask them for advice for them to give it. Today's blog is about connecting with your angels using Doreen Virtues Angel cards... if you need to get yourself a deck of cards you can either order them online through Kalahari or you can also buy them from any Estoril Bookshop
I will be showing you a picture of a very easy spread you can use with your angel cards every day... not only will this spread help you prepare for your day, it will focus you on the positives of the day, and also prepare yourself for your feelings or reactions.
Start by finding a few moments in the morning to just connect to your Angles through a few moments of silence as you shuffle the cards... then lay out in 3 piles and choose the one that stands out for you. The spread goes like this:
1. Card for the day - the important aspects of the day ahead. (Top Card)
2. Attend to this - Personal issues that will require attention. (Card on left)
3. What to look out for - Feelings, desires and reactions that could arise. (Card on right)
As you can see my reading suggests that its important to have patience for today, i have to attend to having courage and standing up for my beliefs and what to look out for is living a healthy lifestyle, and not eating emotionally probably... :-)
Its easy quick and effective, and you can start living with awareness from today.
Check out my YOU TUBE video on this topic, and listen to my radio show on how to connect with your angels tomorrow from 10am onward via our website
Well its very simple but we need to ask them for advice for them to give it. Today's blog is about connecting with your angels using Doreen Virtues Angel cards... if you need to get yourself a deck of cards you can either order them online through Kalahari or you can also buy them from any Estoril Bookshop
I will be showing you a picture of a very easy spread you can use with your angel cards every day... not only will this spread help you prepare for your day, it will focus you on the positives of the day, and also prepare yourself for your feelings or reactions.
Start by finding a few moments in the morning to just connect to your Angles through a few moments of silence as you shuffle the cards... then lay out in 3 piles and choose the one that stands out for you. The spread goes like this:
1. Card for the day - the important aspects of the day ahead. (Top Card)
2. Attend to this - Personal issues that will require attention. (Card on left)
3. What to look out for - Feelings, desires and reactions that could arise. (Card on right)
As you can see my reading suggests that its important to have patience for today, i have to attend to having courage and standing up for my beliefs and what to look out for is living a healthy lifestyle, and not eating emotionally probably... :-)
Its easy quick and effective, and you can start living with awareness from today.
Check out my YOU TUBE video on this topic, and listen to my radio show on how to connect with your angels tomorrow from 10am onward via our website
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Make a difference
How can we all make a difference...? Little by Little
I am someone who can very well turn a blind eye to many things, i find that in today society we are bombarded with negative images of what is happening out there, and somehow everyone needs donations and money...sometimes it just too much...
On my show this week i speak to Merinda from 4paws an organisation that helps animals especially in the Diepsloot community... not only do they sterilize, and help injured animals...they also educate people about their animals... people like Merinda have taken this on as her life mission...
For me i don't like to always see whats lacking or whats wrong and so it is nice to sometimes focus on the positive that people can make little by little, one animal or cause at a time.
I am writing this blog today as i find charity or helping does not need to be an expensive thing, and everyone can is definitely the age of if you are passionate about something or you want to make a difference start by using your intuition and just be guided or led by when to give and how much...
You can also donate old clothes, and furniture to places like Bounty Hunters... it all starts with one gesture, YOU can make a difference even if it is just R10... open your mind and your heart beyond your issues and life and feel good about doing something for someone else or something else...we have to start standing together, as then Light will prevail.
Listen to my show on
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
The Imago (Image)
In my show tomorrow Wednesday 14 March, i talk about how our subconscious/unconscious chooses a partner based on chemistry...the purpose of this is to heal a certain wound, or to fulfill a certain need from childhood... what this means is that we are faced with certain partners in our lives so we can fulfill and heal that which our parents and caretakers could not. With that said an exercise that is very beneficial is to write down all the positive and negative aspects of your father and your mother, and you will have a blue print of a type of imago or image of a partner you will attract to heal certain wounds. When we don't learn from a certain experience or we do not heal, we keep attracting similar characteristics... uncovering the past, and consciously taking note of all the similar negative and positive traits of all your partners will give you a hint of what you need to heal...until that wound is healed no forward movement can take place...
But we cant expect our partners to heal or fulfill everything... so while we are in an in the meantime process, getting to know yourself is key...below are some questions that you can complete, do this exercise as fast as possible, as you need your intuition to complete the sentence in order to hook into the real you, to find out about yourself...and possibly why you are where you are :-)
My goal in life is...
The thing that gives me most satisfaction is...
My childhood was...
I think sex is...
When i make love i prefer...
My deepest fear is...
My deepest need is...
My most frequent feeling is...
The thing i hate most is...
I worry most about...
My goals for my primary relationship are...
My reason for wanting a relationship is...
I think my relationships have been...
Three things about myself i want to change...
I Fantasize about...
I feel anger when....
I think i am...
My highest value is...
A nude body is...
I am happiest when...
To me work is...
When i go to a party, i...
The person i admire most is...
To me, death...
I have no use for people who...
I am afraid of...
When someone is rude to me, i ...
I cant understand people who believe...
In general i think my strengths are...
For more on this topic listen to OWT RADIO tomorrow from 10am... all info is on
But we cant expect our partners to heal or fulfill everything... so while we are in an in the meantime process, getting to know yourself is key...below are some questions that you can complete, do this exercise as fast as possible, as you need your intuition to complete the sentence in order to hook into the real you, to find out about yourself...and possibly why you are where you are :-)
My goal in life is...
The thing that gives me most satisfaction is...
My childhood was...
I think sex is...
When i make love i prefer...
My deepest fear is...
My deepest need is...
My most frequent feeling is...
The thing i hate most is...
I worry most about...
My goals for my primary relationship are...
My reason for wanting a relationship is...
I think my relationships have been...
Three things about myself i want to change...
I Fantasize about...
I feel anger when....
I think i am...
My highest value is...
A nude body is...
I am happiest when...
To me work is...
When i go to a party, i...
The person i admire most is...
To me, death...
I have no use for people who...
I am afraid of...
When someone is rude to me, i ...
I cant understand people who believe...
In general i think my strengths are...
For more on this topic listen to OWT RADIO tomorrow from 10am... all info is on
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
How our needs when it comes to love sometimes lead us down a hell road
Today my blog is based on a very famous book by Inyanla Vanzant - In the meantime... her view point and mine are very much the same... one needs self love in order to make any relationship work... so the key to healthy and functional relationships is always to love, fulfill and improve yourself first as then anyone who comes into your life can enrich it.
We all have needs, we want to be accepted, loved, taken care of, understood... but what we dont realize is if we dont practice self love first our needs can lead us into dark corners...when it comes to love matters many of us seem to always end up someplace we do not want to be...we as human beings have to start becoming aware of our patterns and how we function to get our needs met... if that is not done we cant change or attract anything different into our lives.
These are the 13 most common things we do for love, each and every one of these points will inevitably fail to meet our needs taking us down a hell road, lost and confused...less loved than before.
1. All the signs say this is not the one, but you ignore your intuition and move ahead into a love fantasy.
2. Because you fear being alone, or because you believe you cant have what you want in a relationship you accept the first person that comes along.
3. You confuse friendship and niceness with romantic love.
4. Because someone is nice to you, and you are not used to it, you don't know how to say no, when you realize they are not for you.
5. You get caught up in the packaging and promises.
6. You force your desires for a relationship on to another person and force and ultimatum, and because the person does want to hurt you goes along with you...for a while.
7. Because the other person expresses an interest in you, you respond without really exploring if this is who you are or what you want.
8. You allow blind faith lead to blind love, to take you into an unhealthy situation.
9. You choose to believe that what your partner has done to another person s/he will not do to you.
10. Sexual compatibility is mistaken for love
11. You stay in a relationship although you are miserable, trying to work things out although your partner is not interested, and does nothing about it.
12. You don't express what you really feel because you don't want to hurt your partner.
13. You choose to believe your partners lies even when you know the truth, you act like you don't know what is going on when you do.
All these points will keep you stuck and in a pattern of dissolution... make the changes within yourself... respect and love yourself...and most importantly communicate and be honest with yourself and the people around you.
More on this topic in my Radio show tomorrow...
We all have needs, we want to be accepted, loved, taken care of, understood... but what we dont realize is if we dont practice self love first our needs can lead us into dark corners...when it comes to love matters many of us seem to always end up someplace we do not want to be...we as human beings have to start becoming aware of our patterns and how we function to get our needs met... if that is not done we cant change or attract anything different into our lives.
These are the 13 most common things we do for love, each and every one of these points will inevitably fail to meet our needs taking us down a hell road, lost and confused...less loved than before.
1. All the signs say this is not the one, but you ignore your intuition and move ahead into a love fantasy.
2. Because you fear being alone, or because you believe you cant have what you want in a relationship you accept the first person that comes along.
3. You confuse friendship and niceness with romantic love.
4. Because someone is nice to you, and you are not used to it, you don't know how to say no, when you realize they are not for you.
5. You get caught up in the packaging and promises.
6. You force your desires for a relationship on to another person and force and ultimatum, and because the person does want to hurt you goes along with you...for a while.
7. Because the other person expresses an interest in you, you respond without really exploring if this is who you are or what you want.
8. You allow blind faith lead to blind love, to take you into an unhealthy situation.
9. You choose to believe that what your partner has done to another person s/he will not do to you.
10. Sexual compatibility is mistaken for love
11. You stay in a relationship although you are miserable, trying to work things out although your partner is not interested, and does nothing about it.
12. You don't express what you really feel because you don't want to hurt your partner.
13. You choose to believe your partners lies even when you know the truth, you act like you don't know what is going on when you do.
All these points will keep you stuck and in a pattern of dissolution... make the changes within yourself... respect and love yourself...and most importantly communicate and be honest with yourself and the people around you.
More on this topic in my Radio show tomorrow...
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Facing your fears
Any life challenges present you with an opportunity to face your fears and to grow... if you can stop blaming others, and take responsibility for your own life then you can easily stop a recurring problem...whenever there is fear then you know that needs to be addressed.
When you are ready to face your fears you have these opportunities ahead of you:
1. Every problem presents you with an opportunity to demonstrate who YOU want to be, and how you want to act and react...stop, look and listen.
2.Realize that every emotion and reaction either benefits you in a positive or negative way...these are called PAYOFFS... drama is a pay off, and so is staying stuck in a negative pattern or comfort zone, facing your fears and changing your payoffs can help you move forward.
3.Change and facing your fears allows you to look at unresolved emotions that need to be dealt with...
-give yourself permission to feel
-modify your feeling... stay away from addictions like eating
-listen to your body
-write your problems out of the body
-talk the problem out of the body
-Move on, stop talking about it and reliving it.
-say goodbye to what could have been
-forgiveness of self and others are the key to freedom
Working on yourself can be a rewarding and fulfilling journey, but work is have nothing to fear, just face every situation and then life will flow easier. :-)
My show this week is on this topic to hear the show go to
When you are ready to face your fears you have these opportunities ahead of you:
1. Every problem presents you with an opportunity to demonstrate who YOU want to be, and how you want to act and react...stop, look and listen.
2.Realize that every emotion and reaction either benefits you in a positive or negative way...these are called PAYOFFS... drama is a pay off, and so is staying stuck in a negative pattern or comfort zone, facing your fears and changing your payoffs can help you move forward.
3.Change and facing your fears allows you to look at unresolved emotions that need to be dealt with...
-give yourself permission to feel
-modify your feeling... stay away from addictions like eating
-listen to your body
-write your problems out of the body
-talk the problem out of the body
-Move on, stop talking about it and reliving it.
-say goodbye to what could have been
-forgiveness of self and others are the key to freedom
Working on yourself can be a rewarding and fulfilling journey, but work is have nothing to fear, just face every situation and then life will flow easier. :-)
My show this week is on this topic to hear the show go to
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Facial Expressions
Do you know that the average human being has 7000 expressions... that's a lot... facial expressions are universally recognizable, that means without even saying a word you would be able to recognize sadness, happiness or anger from anyone in Asia, Europe, America or anywhere... this is amazing, but what it also says to me is that we need to be careful about how we portray these expressions, remembering that the world is our mirror...most of the time a facial expression happens in a millisecond, and an expression is directly linked to our emotions, so people can very easily read our emotions through our expressions, if this expression is a happy expression then its no problem, its when we portray an angry, or negative expression that we then attract that... the world and us as humans always filter back and forth what is fed to us, so we can influence each other by not even saying a word but just projecting it through our expression...this week see what you see in the people around you, do you see negative expressions everywhere or do you see positive expressions everywhere, and then turn it to yourself, is this what you are expressing... :-) something to think about...
This topic will be discussed more in detail in my radio show tomorrow, Wednesday 8 Feb from 10 am CAT, looping all day...listen by going to
This topic will be discussed more in detail in my radio show tomorrow, Wednesday 8 Feb from 10 am CAT, looping all day...listen by going to
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Angels and Guardians
In this weeks radio show i will be talking more in depth about angels and guradians... Did you know that angels are a major force in every major faith tradition, and are probably one of the few things that all world religion agree on... i find that facinating...
Guardian angels have never been human, but are an entirely diffenrent energy form to us, usually our guardian angels show up at our conception or our birth and stay with us our whole lives...unlike Guardians or guides who may change a few times during our lives...
Guides or guardians have lived human lives before and differ from angels. Angels however can appear to us in human forms, thus helping become more aware and closer to your angel a simple way to start speaking to them is to say this little prayer every night before bed:
Angel of God, guardian dear
to whom Gods love commits me here
ever this day be at my side
to light, to guard, to rule, to guide.
For more info on this topic listen to my radio show tomorrow from 10am CAT looping all day... you can tune in by going to and going to the radio page, or you can download the LIVE365 app for your tab or smartphone.
Guardian angels have never been human, but are an entirely diffenrent energy form to us, usually our guardian angels show up at our conception or our birth and stay with us our whole lives...unlike Guardians or guides who may change a few times during our lives...
Guides or guardians have lived human lives before and differ from angels. Angels however can appear to us in human forms, thus helping become more aware and closer to your angel a simple way to start speaking to them is to say this little prayer every night before bed:
Angel of God, guardian dear
to whom Gods love commits me here
ever this day be at my side
to light, to guard, to rule, to guide.
For more info on this topic listen to my radio show tomorrow from 10am CAT looping all day... you can tune in by going to and going to the radio page, or you can download the LIVE365 app for your tab or smartphone.
Monday, 16 January 2012
The Mind/Body Debate
I always find it so interesting when people have a debate about what is real or what is not... especially when it comes to what drives us...our "Soul" aka "Mind" or our Brain? I even had this discussion with a family member the other day, and what became evident is that we all very much see life, spirituality, the world, the future and science very differently, depending also what we believe, how we were brought up, and how we are influenced by society... the debate i had was about evolution and science versus spirituality, and I'm sure many families, and friends have had similar conversations and discussions... if you know me you know i come from a spiritual point of view, but science interests me very much, i love reading about the brain, and about the earth from a proven point of view, but my question to myself always is when will we stop trying to prove everything and start trusting... Scientist go as far as trying to prove faith, the sixth sense, and the soul, many of them believing the Brain is our "soul" and when the human body dies that we die to... spiritualist believe that we are eternal and that the body only perishes... so my question to you, who are we? Our Mind/Soul...or our Brain? It is up to you to decide, and to feel what feels right... on this weeks Radio show on Wednesday i will be discussing how this debate has been going on for thousands of years, and probably will continue until one day all will be clear... i believe there is much more out there than just our Brain... because what are we otherwise doing on earth? :-)
Monday, 9 January 2012
Success lies in your daily habits
If you are serious about living a life you is very important to create a routine that becomes part of your daily life... this routine will help you connect to yourself, your emotions and intuition, as well as to Spirit. If you put yourself first you can much easier help others that if you do it the other way around :-) Below are some examples of how you can regain your energy, reconnect to self and grow:
1 Make time for meditation/prayer/relaxation
2 Make time for reading or listening to your favorite music
3 Exercise
4 Research or read about your favorite topics
5 Learn a new skill
6 Plan for things you can look forward to
7 Every day make an effort or take a step towards completing or achieving the goals you have set for yourself
Giving yourself 15-30 minutes daily to do some of the examples above will help you achieve success that will last :-)
Have a great and successful 2012... for more info on this topic listen to my radio show on Wednesday 11 Jan on
1 Make time for meditation/prayer/relaxation
2 Make time for reading or listening to your favorite music
3 Exercise
4 Research or read about your favorite topics
5 Learn a new skill
6 Plan for things you can look forward to
7 Every day make an effort or take a step towards completing or achieving the goals you have set for yourself
Giving yourself 15-30 minutes daily to do some of the examples above will help you achieve success that will last :-)
Have a great and successful 2012... for more info on this topic listen to my radio show on Wednesday 11 Jan on
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