Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Dreams and Dream interpretation

These days i come across so many people who are becoming more aware and interested in their dreams... dreams are where our conscious and our subconscious meet... its where we find all the clues of our waking life... dreams can enrich our lives tremendously as i find they hold the key and answers to our questions, challenges and also our future.

However deciphering our dreams can be a bit of a task to say the least :-) but not impossible if you know what to look for.

If dream interpretation interest you i would suggest you stay away from too literal thinking... dreams are about your feelings and how you feel in the dream, its also very important to understand that dreams are about our circumstances so in a dream all the characters are usually a representation of yourself...

The subconscious speaks in symbols and so it is also good to keep a dream journal... referring to dream interpretation books can help but is not necessary in my eyes... just writing down your dream as you wake up is key, so you can remember it, take it slow and let the story unfold... look at the pictures and unravel how you felt, study colors and characters, and apply each character as part of you...

So if you dreamed there was a burglar who broke into your house and you two get into a huge fight, the interpretation could be that you are in conflict with yourself... one side of you is the victim and one is the persecutor...

I always find it very helpful to know the colors and meanings of the chakras to explain coloring in dreams...also focus on the ending or resolution of the dream.

Take it dream for dream, reflect on all the parties involved, focus on your feelings, analyze your environment in the dream, as its a representation of your environment outside and inside while awake... get to know your symbols and also look at what the dream is showing you...water always stands for emotions, a vehicle of any kind always means a journey, and blood always represents energy...dreaming of death is always transformation, and changes...

I have found that we can have very strong Past Life Recall in our dreams as well, so dreaming of a foreign country can be a recall... or dreaming you are in another century and you look differently is all past life linked... our dreams are very interesting and can make us very aware. At the moment i find that a lot of people are having premonitions, which means they feel hear and see their future or that of others in their dreams...do not be fearful of the symbols but keep your journal and measure your accuracy.

As with all practice makes perfect, and using your gut while looking at your dreams can go a long way.