Its been a while since my last Blog, and with OWT RADIO's contract coming to an end i have had more time for preparing my workshops which i am hosting all over the county over the next few month :-) this is very exciting, and i find it so amazing how much potential and power people posses if they know how to access it :-)
What i have noticed on a personal and client basis is that things are speeding up...i gave a talk yesterday at The Jacaranda Spiritual Church in Pretoria, and even receiving feedback from people there that the universe is not waiting for us anymore... we are facing challenges and emotions on a daily basis that we have to deal with and work through... sometimes some are easier than others i am sure you all know what i mean...
However i am in awe at how many people are facing these challenges with their heads held high, although there was much pain and struggle with in yesterdays congregation they came and gathered to be uplifted to face another day, and thus just taking it a day at a time... this is the only way to live... it was heart warming to be surrounded by people with such open hearts and minds.
If you like so many of us at the moment feel like you can barely keep up, i wanted to write this blog today to urge you to just keep going, do every day something that makes you happy, and face those fears and emotions, as change is constantly happening, its energy, and i do believe we are rewarded on many occasions :-)
Affirmation for the week: I ATTRACT WHAT I VIBRATE!